Message from a student

Memories of the past years and the teachings received at the Madina Warsame school.

Today September 21st my country celebrates the day of the Teacher or teachers
I would like to send my heartfelt best wishes to all my teachers of my Madina Warsame School in Mogadishu where I studied from Elementary to High School as you can see from this photo.
And I thank the Madina Warsame organization and the Association a school for life of Trento Italy who gave me everything to become the man I am today


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Partner in Italy

The Association UNA SCUOLA PER LA VITA is to contribute to the realization of the fundamental right to education, a prerequisite for growth and overall development of every human person and are essential for the affirmation of a culture of solidarity and peace among peoples, through concrete initiatives of development cooperation for the social and economic growth of countries in the South and the necessary work of raising awareness, inspiring their own choices and goals to the value of complete respect for the individual, without distinction of sex, religion, culture and traditions.
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Our offices are in Mogadishu at the School Madina Warsame