The Warehouse of The farm

A new warehouse has been built in the farm .

A new warehouse has been built in the farm to store the new infrastructures of the farm..

It has been realized a new warehouse for the storage of equipment, supplies.
Along with the construction of a well for water, with a collection tank, and some other equipments those are all necessary for the production of the farm.

The warehouse has also a normal toilet for company staff.

Our operators from Mogadishu can find a minimum set of services for their stay.

It has been also arranged decanters of water from the river, which carries a strong component of silt raised with the big pump and used for irrigation of crops.

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The Association UNA SCUOLA PER LA VITA is to contribute to the realization of the fundamental right to education, a prerequisite for growth and overall development of every human person and are essential for the affirmation of a culture of solidarity and peace among peoples, through concrete initiatives of development cooperation for the social and economic growth of countries in the South and the necessary work of raising awareness, inspiring their own choices and goals to the value of complete respect for the individual, without distinction of sex, religion, culture and traditions.
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Our offices are in Mogadishu at the School Madina Warsame